
Brief Introduction to Nu

Our Chapter here at Purdue is Nu Chapter. We were assigned the letter Nu because we were the 13th chartered Chapter in the Fraternity, and Nu is the 13th letter in the Greek Alphabet. However, Nu Chapter was originally granted at the Universities of Indianapolis, Indiana on October 5th, 1920. It was not transferred to Purdue until the Fall of 1969, even though we were recognized by the University May 22nd, 1968. Since this time many Brothers have graduated from Purdue in virtually every field imaginable. But, many Brothers remain to uphold the fine traditions and customs established here at Nu. NU CHAPTER IS A FRUITFUL CHAPTER AND THE BROTHERLY LOVE FOUND HERE SHALL NEVER PERISH!

Statement of Purpose

The Nu Alumni Association is a public benefit corporation and the mission is to bring together in organizational fellowship, all former and current members of Nu Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. as well as supporters and friends. To provide an avenue through which alumni and friends may contribute financially to the greater good and public benefit of the community.

Our Main Goals

  • To provide support, continuity, and planning to ensure the future and viability of Nu Chapter.
  • To support annual homecoming activities
  • To encourage honorable achievement in every field of human endeavor
  • To continue to uphold the defined objectives of our fraternity
  • To plan other activities as needed for Chapter viability.

How to Get Involved

  • Pay Dues (Lifetime, Yearly, Month-to-Month)
  • Complete Validation Form
  • Complete Online Profile

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us.

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